Librarians of India

Abhijeet Gudaketra

The Librarian Who Lit Up Belagavi

The Pied Piper of Marihal

Abhijeet Gudaketra

In Belgavi, a librarian is doing more than just lending books. His name is Abhijeet, and for 11 years, he’s been at the heart of Marihal Grama Panchayat’s library. 

Abhijeet’s journey as a librarian started with a clear goal: make the library a place that could change things for the people here. He didn’t see it as just shelves and books; it was about opening doors to new ideas and dreams.

From the beginning, Abhijeet knew it would be challenging. In a place where daily life is about getting by, convincing people to find time for reading was challenging. But that’s precisely what he set out to do. He believed books could do more than just tell stories; they could inspire, teach, and open minds.

The library became Abhijeet’s mission. He started by sorting out the old books and making the place welcoming. He was determined to turn this library into a buzzing hub of learning and discovery. He’d be there daily, ready with a book recommendation or a word of encouragement.

For Abhijeet, being a librarian is about being a part of the community’s journey towards better education and broader horizons. He’s not just lending books; he’s sparking curiosity and helping dreams take flight, one reader at a time.

The Library's Transformation

When Abhijeet took charge of the Marihal Grama Panchayat library, it wasn’t much more than a quiet room with shelves of books. But he saw its potential. With the support of RDPR (Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department) and the backing of his Panchayat members, school headmasters, and teachers, he set out to breathe new life into it.

Abhijeet started small. He organized the books, cleaned up the space, and added a few touches to make the library more inviting. But his real magic was in how he connected with the kids. He didn’t just want them to read; he wanted them to love reading.

By 2020, the library was a different place. It was no longer just a room in the Panchayat building but a hub of activity. Kids would come in to borrow books and be a part of something. Abhijeet was always there, with a story or a fun fact up his sleeve.

In 2021, Abhijeet took a leap. He started reading stories to the children. It wasn’t part of his job, but it was something he believed in. He’d pick out tales that transported the kids to far-off lands, stories that made them dream and wonder.

The following year, Abhijeet attended the Karnataka Read-aloud training. It transformed his storytelling. He learned how to bring stories to life, making every character and scene feel real to his young audience. The kids were not just listeners anymore; they were part of the story.

Soon, the impact was visible. The children began to see the library as a treasure trove. They started writing their own stories, their imaginations fueled by the tales they heard. The library had become a place of joy and discovery, a place where reading was an adventure.

Abhijeet’s efforts didn’t just change the library; they transformed the children. Teachers noticed it, too. The kids were more engaged, curious, and eager to learn. They carried the spark from the library to their classrooms, homes, and lives.

In transforming the library, Abhijeet sparked a transformation in the children of Marihal Grama Panchayat. He had turned the library into a place of wonder, where every book opened a door to a new world.

Leveraging Technology and Social Media

With his tech-savvy approach, Abhijeet knew the library needed to reach beyond its four walls to make a real difference. He turned to social media – Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp – to showcase the library’s activities and to create awareness about the importance of reading and libraries. His posts were not just updates but invitations to explore, learn, and grow.

His efforts paid off spectacularly. The library began receiving book donations, not just from within Karnataka but from as far as the UK. Each new book added to the library was a new world for the kids to explore.

Abhijeet’s social media presence also attracted volunteers, people eager to contribute to his mission. They came forward to offer coaching and learning programs, enriching the library’s offerings.

Abhijeet: More Than a Librarian
In Marihal Grama Panchayat, Abhijeet has become a figure synonymous with the joy of learning. He’s not just the librarian; he’s the storyteller who brings characters to life, the mentor who inspires, and the leader who shows what’s possible. When he narrates a story, everyone listens – children and adults alike. He has a way of making each story a journey, and everyone wants to be a part of it. Under Abhijeet’s stewardship, the library has become a cornerstone of the community. It’s where children discover the joy of reading, where imagination takes flight, and where learning is an adventure. Abhijeet has redefined what it means to be a librarian. He’s not just managing books; he’s shaping futures. Through his efforts, the library has become a beacon in the sugar-bowl district of Karnataka, a symbol of hope and progress. Abhijeet’s story is not just about reviving a library; it’s about igniting a cultural transformation, one story at a time.
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