Librarians of India

Thejaswi Shivanand

Journey in Nurturing Readers of Tomorrow

Thejaswi Shivanand

In the heart of Bangalore, nestled within the vibrant Champaca Children’s Library, Thejaswi Shivanand has been weaving magic with books and stories since 2008. Starting his journey at the Centre for Learning school, he discovered a profound love for the freedom and boundless possibilities that libraries offer – a sanctuary for free reading, thinking, and expression for both children and adults. Through his work, Thejaswi extends his passion beyond the confines of the library, reaching out to library facilitators, educators, and organizations across India with workshops, courses, and mentoring, shaping the future of library education.

For Thejaswi, libraries are dynamic spaces where individuals and communities learn to navigate the complexities of the world. He believes in reading as an immersive experience that transcends mere text, encouraging a deep engagement with both the word and the world. This philosophy underpins his approach to developing a culture of reading and learning, where libraries serve as the backdrop for self-directed journeys of discovery and understanding.

His strategies for fostering a love for reading among children are innovative and inclusive. From encouraging discussions and free exploration to involving children in the selection of books, Thejaswi’s methods are designed to build a sense of ownership and belonging within the library space. Activities that promote creative writing, group reading sessions, and personalized recommendations further enrich the reading culture, making every child feel valued and heard.

He encourages listening and sharing through discussions as much as free exploration, reading and free selection of books along with activities to support these approaches. He believes, that children supported in this manner over the years develop strong reading journeys that contribute to a reading culture in the library space.

One anecdote stands out, illuminating Thejaswi’s belief in the power of patience and personal connection. A child, initially indifferent to books, was captivated by a book’s engaging cover and illustrations, marking the beginning of his reading journey. This moment underscored the diversity of readers’ tastes and the importance of allowing children to discover reading at their own pace.

Envisioning the future, Thejaswi advocates for libraries that are accessible, welcoming, bright well-lit, with spaces that invite exploration and interaction. However, he also recognizes the challenges ahead, particularly the need for dialogue among library professionals to reconcile differing philosophies of librarianship. The goal is clear: to create a unified vision that embraces the multifaceted roles of librarians as administrators, facilitators, and educators.

Through Thejaswi’s story, we see a beacon of hope for the future of libraries in India – a future where every child finds joy in the pages of a book and every community finds unity in the shared quest for knowledge and understanding.

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